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Call for Papers!

Paper submissions for Plebeian Vol. IV are now open!

PLEBEIAN Cover Photo

We are looking for papers to be presented at our conference on Friday 9 March 2018. Papers presented at The Assembly of the Plebs, our conference, will be published in Volume IV of Plebeian.

Any student registered in the Faculty of Arts and Science in the 2017-2018 academic year is eligible to submit a paper. The paper may have been written before this current term.

The paper must have a maximum word count of 4,000 and be related in some way to the Classical world. We encourage papers that engage not just with topics within the traditional scope of Classical studies (e.g. Greek and Roman history, philology, reception), but also with other disciplines, including, but not limited to, Mediaeval studies, Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, philosophy, English, and the social sciences. We strongly encourage you to consider submitting papers (original or revised) that received A-range grades in CLA260, 300- and 400-level courses, and independent studies (although you are not required to disclose the grade). Papers should be formatted using the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition. Please also note that papers which are focussed on close, sustained analysis of a classical text should engage with the text in the original Latin or Greek.

We will also consider pieces of writing related to the field of Classics that do not conform to standards of academic writing (e.g. translations of classical texts, creative nonfiction, poetry).

Papers must be sent to us electronically in a .doc or .docx file format, titled as “Firstname.Lastname-Plebeian 2018”, to (e.g. “Bob.Cicero-Plebeian 2018” for Bob Cicero).

The deadline for submissions is Wednesday 17 January 2018 at 5:00 p.m. Once the deadline has passed, we will select up to eight papers for presentation at the conference and publication in Plebeian. Submitters must be available throughout the winter term for three rounds of editing, meetings with their editors, and on the day of the conference, Friday 9 March 2018.

Please email your submissions and questions to before Wednesday 17 January 2018 at 5:00 p.m.

Greek in Greece Program!

Forwarded from Professor Burgess:

This summer, May 31 to July 8, Ohio University and the University of Patras are offering a five-week study abroad program that features an intense study of ancient Greek. Greek in Greece offers students who have had one or more years study of ancient Greek the opportunity to complete a full year of ancient Greek at either the intermediate or advanced level. The program’s pedagogical model emphasizes immersive group work and sight reading that enables students to progress faster in the ancient language than is possible during the regular semester. Each student will take a full year of ancient Greek, two three-credit courses (graduate students four-credit), at either the intermediate or advanced level.

For further details about costs, available scholarships, curriculum, and the aforementioned comments of Greek in Greece alums, go to Or contact Prof. Jim Andrews at

For further information on funding details, click here for the full poster!

Associate Editor Applications Now Open

Have experience editing academic papers? Want to work as part of a team of editors to select the papers that will be published in Plebeian Vol. IV, and then work directly with the author of the paper to make it the best it can be?

Apply now to be an Associate Editor for CLASSU’s Undergraduate Journal, Plebeian!

Information as to what the role entails specifically can be found on the application form below. Forms are due by Sunday, November 19th at 5:00pm, to be emailed to, after which there will be an interview process. We are hiring seven (7) Associate Editors, who will work closely with each other, the Editor-in-Chief, and the Deputy Editor-in-Chief. Get in those applications ASAP!

 Click here for the Associate Editor Application Form!

CLASSU/TIFF Ticket Giveaway!?!?!

You heard right!! TIFF, as part of a tribute to Guillermo del Toro, is hosting a screening of Jason and the Argonauts (1963) on Saturday, November 4th at 8:45PM at the TIFF Bell Lightbox Theatre. It is an awesome chance to see a classic about Classics  on the big screen at a swanky theatre, so make sure you get tickets (student pricing available).

TIFF has reached out to CLASSU and wants to offer our undergraduate students the chance to win two tickets to the showing! That’s right, the chance to kick off Fall Reading Week correctly–by being classy with CLASSU at TIFF!

Entries are due in by noon on November 1st. You can enter one of three ways:

  1. Come to CLASSU’s Halloween Pub Night IN COSTUME on Thursday, October 26th, and give us your email address!
  2. Order a Classics Department hoodie by Halloween, and mark on your order form that you’d like to be entered for tickets.
  3. Send CLASSU an email telling us what your favourite Classics-related film is, and how much you’d like to see it at an upcoming CLASSU Movie Night!

The winner will be announced the evening of November 1st! Thanks, TIFF!

Peer Mentorship Program

Are YOU a new or lower-year student who wants to meet new people (who are also studying Classics) and get some insight into the way this wild institution that is UofT works?

Or, are YOU an upper-year student with insights to give who wants to meet new people and gain some valuable mentorship experience?

Sign up now for CLASSU’s Peer Mentorship Program! We will match pairs of lower- and upper-year students based on common interests, make sure the both of you can keep in contact online or on your own, and hold occasional PMP lunches to meet each other and hang out in person (with free lunch)!

Click here for the sign-up form for CLASSU’s PMP 2017/18.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Applications Now Available

Are you confident in your editing skills and want to be part of the production of  CLASSU’s undergraduate journal, Plebeian? Apply now for our position of Deputy Editor-in-Chief! As Deputy EIC, you will:

  • Serve as the second-in-command, backup Chief
  • Advise on design, deadlines, and meetings
  • Hire Associate Editors, and assist with replacements
  • Read and rank all paper submissions
  • Give input on editorial decisions presented to the Editing Team
  • Edit two papers with a partnered Editing Team member
  • Observe deadlines for returning drafts to Submitters
  • Meet with the authors of the two assigned papers at least once

The deadline for applications is October 10th, 2017, so get your applications in ASAP! Form below.

Click here for the Plebeian DEIC Application Form 2017-18

Election & Referendum Results

Salvete, omnes!

The results are in from our Fall Election, and CLASSU’s Senate 2017-2018 is as follows:

President: Samantha Mazzilli
Vice-President: Laura Harris
Treasurer: Elizabeth Colonna
Secretary: Mickey Bahlbi
Genevieve Crispin-Frei
Ellie Morum
Paul Nunez
Allison Suba
Felipe Vallejo
Seraphina Vasilodimitrakis-Hart
Julia Wyganowski

Congratulations to our newly-elected Senators, and thank you to all those who ran–we had a record-breaking number of candidates, all of which were wonderful, intelligent, talented people whom CLASSU hopes will come out to our events and hang out with us in the lounge.

CLASSU also voted in favour of adopting the latest edition of our Constitution, which is now available to be read on our About page.

Thank you all for coming out and eating cake with us, and we can’t wait to have a great year with you all!

Harry C. Maynard Scholarships

A message from the Ontario Classical Association: information for this year’s Harry C. Maynard scholarships for undergraduate students has come out, and is attached to this post! Best of luck!

Maynard Application Package, October 2017

Maynard Poster 2017 

Welcome Back!

Now that the new school year has almost begun, it’s time for a whole new crop of CLASSU news and fun stuff! Without further ado, welcome back, and we can’t wait to see all your friendly faces sipping tea in the lounge soon!

First things first, CLASSU is holding our Fall General Elections/Referendum on Thursday, September 21st at 5pm in our lounge, LI 009. We will be voting to adopt our amended constitution, as well as electing six executive members and choosing our Secretary and Treasurer. There will be refreshments and democracy aplenty! If you are interested in running, find nomination forms and more information here.

Next, for any first years/those new to the Department, we will be holding a Classics Orientation on Thursday, September 14th at 1pm, meeting at the Northrop Frye statue just outside Northrop Frye Hall at Victoria College. CLASSU executives will tour new students around related buildings on campus, Lillian Massey (the location of the Classics Department), our CLASSU lounge, and will end by taking any students of CLA160 to St. Mike’s before their class at 2pm. Students will have a chance to speak to upper-year students and some of the department’s faculty—join us for a fun time!

SwagSSU is BACK(SSU)! Missed your chance to order some super #swag Classics Department swag in the spring? Not to worry, we’ve got your back (literally)! If you are interested in ordering a hoodie this semester, or potentially something else, please fill out the interest form found here ASAP! Further incentive to check out the form includes your President modelling a hoodie in what one can only call a Vogue-worthy pose/outfit. Once we have a rough understanding of demand, we will put out real order forms in the coming months. Tell your friends!

Finally, come visit CLASSU at the Clubs Festival on Wednesday, September 5th from 3-7pm in King’s College Circle, and again at the Street Festival on Tuesday, September 12th from 10am-3pm on St. George! We will have buttons, election forms, handouts, and smiling faces!

That is all for now, so enjoy the last dregs of summer before the crawl back to campus!

Spring 2017 Oral Reading Club Performance Now Online!

Missed this past year’s Oral Reading Club performance? Our recording of the performance is now online — watch below!