Category Archives: Uncategorized

Spring 2017 Oral Reading Club Performance Now Online!

Missed this past year’s Oral Reading Club performance? Our recording of the performance is now online — watch below!

Anti-Calendar Update!

Hear ye, hear ye! The first edition of the CLASSU Anti-Calendar 2017-2018 has arrived! This edition includes courses surveyed from the 2016-2017 school year (as well as those previously surveyed), and will be updated periodically over the summer as summer semesters come to a close. Take a peek, see what your peers have to say about courses in the Department, and share it with your friends!

Click here to go to the CLASSU Anti-Calendar 2017-2018!

We hope you are having a wonderful summer, and stay tuned for more updates from your friendly neighbourhood CLASSU!

Sam Mazzilli
On behalf of the CLASSU Senate

That’s a Wrap!

That’s all, folks! Thank you for a wonderful year everyone! The Lounge will be closed from now until September for regular hours. If you would like to use the Lounge over the summer, please contact the CLASSU President, Samantha Mazzilli, at

Thank you everyone for coming out to all of the events, performances, conferences, referenda, etc. over the last four years. It’s been one helluva ride, but keep coming out and enjoying the free food! Good luck and enjoy the summer!

–Willem Crispin-Frei
Former CLASSU President

Hoodie Pickup/Purchase

These are the remaining CLASSU Exam Jams/hoodie pickup times!

Wed 19 April: 2:00-5:00

Thu 20 April: 10:00-1:00

Thu 20 April: 1:00-4:00

Tues 24 April: 3:00-7:00

Senate RenewSSU Email

Salvete Discipuli Classicorum,


I would like to personally congratulate the new 2017 Summer Senate, who will form the first half of the 2017-2018 CLASSU Senate. At the elections and journal launch tonight, we elected Samantha Mazzilli as our next President, along with Laura Harris as Vice-President, with Elizabeth Colonna, Felipe Vallejo, and Julia Wyganowski rounding out the executive of five. I, on behalf of the 2016-2017 Senate, wish them all the best with summer planning and next year!


While we are very much winding down for this year, CLASSU still has you covered for Hoodies and Exam Jams! If you ordered a hoodie, below are the times when you can pick them up. If you didn’t order one, but want one, we have a limited number available! Come to the CLASSU Lounge at the following times. Starting 12 April, these are also Exam Jams, where we will have the Lounge open as a study space with free snacks and drinks, hot and cold.


Regular Office Hours

Mon 3 April: 11:00-5:00

Tue 4 April: 11:00-5:00

Wed 5 April: 11:00-5:00


Exam Jam Office Hours

Wed 12 April: 10:00-2:00

Wed 19 April: 2:00-5:00

Thu 20 April: 10:00-1:00

Thu 20 April: 1:00-4:00

Tues 24 April: 3:00-7:00


If you want to pick up a copy of Plebeian Volume III, they’re now available in the CLASSU Lounge, and will soon be available at Pratt Library and online as a PDF. Applications for the position of Plebeian Editor-in-Chief are now available online here. If you are interested in being in charge of Plebeian Volume IV, read the page and submit your form by 7 April 2017 at 4:00 p.m.


Lastly, this email list will be updated in the summer, so you will be unsubscribed automatically if you are graduating or no longer enrolled in a Classics POSt.


I’d like to end off this email by thanking you, the students, as well as the Senate (Senatus Populusque Torontonensis) for granting me the honour and privilege of serving both as Vice-President and then President over the past four years. It’s been great to work with so many energetic and talented people who also share a love (or at least grudging affection) for the Classical World. I want to especially thank Samantha Mazzilli for her support, creativity, and leadership this year, as well as Toby Keymer for his four years of service on CLASSU.  I’ll finish off by customarily pushing the FREE FOOD at the Exam Jams, and encourage everyone to stay involved with CLASSU and give the same support and enthusiasm to Sam and the rest of the new Senate.


I look forward to see what comes next! Valete!


Willem Crispin-Frei

CLASSU President 2016-2017

Ides of March Update

Good evening UofT Classicists!

We’ve got a mid-week update for you!

Academic Seminar

This Friday, 17 March 2017 at 1:00 p.m. in LI 220, Professor Welsh will be giving a talk on, in his own words, “the way in which agriculture provides the semantic arena and analogy for a lot of Latin that has nothing to do with farming per se.” It’ll be interesting and fun, so don’t miss out! As always, free refreshments provided.

Backpacks 2 Briefcases

RSVP for the Backpacks 2 Briefcases dinner on Thursday, 23 March 2017 at 5:30 p.m. at the Faculty Club! There will be alumni who studied Classics in their undergrad yet have pursued fields outside of academia eager to speak to current students! Professors Lytle and Keith will also be in attendance to speak with students. Also… did we mention the FREE FOOD? That’s right, a free, fancy THREE-COURSE MEAL (all dietary restrictions accommodated)! Sign up today!

JHI Opportunities

The Jackman Humanities Institute has put out a call for applications to their Undergraduate Fellowship program for 2017/18! The JHI is seeking a small number of advanced undergraduates who propose to conduct research on the annual topic, Indelible Violence: Shame, Reconciliation, and the Work of Apology. Each will be granted scholarships, matched to faculty supervisors, and earn 1.0 FCE for their research. Acting Chair and Professor Alison Keith has recently been appointed Director of the JHI, so there will be a friendly Classicist there already! More information linked above!

First Year POSt/Mentorship Lunch

Are you considering a programme in Classics? Do you know someone who might be (especially this!!!!)? Come out to the CLASSU Lounge (LI 009) for a FREE lunch on Monday, 27 March 2017 at 12:00 until 1:30 p.m., followed by a talk at 1:30 p.m. by Leora Bromberg at the Mini-Assembly of the Plebs Encore entitled “Classical Reception In Contemporary Canadian Theatre: Violence and Resilience in If We Were Birds by Erin Shields.” At the lunch, Professor Eph Lytle, Undergraduate Co-ordinator, will be there to give advice and information about the programmes! FREE LUNCH!

Oral Reading Club Performance

Come out to see the Oral Reading Club perform passages from a selection of Greek and Latin texts at the Department’s End-of-Year Party, on Friday, 31 March 2017 starting at 4:00 p.m. in LI 220.

Fourth Year Graduation

In continuing with tradition, there will also be a mini “graduation ceremony” for all graduating Classics/Classical Civ students at the Department’s End-of-Year Party! To those graduating this year, expect an email from the Department with further details soon and an option to RSVP in order to get a mini-diploma! This will be on Friday, 31 March 2017 in LI 205, with the party starting at 4:30. The ceremony will probably take place around 5:00 (that’s our guess).

Social, Elections, and Plebeian Launch!

Come one, come all to CLASSU’s second annual End-of-Year Social Extravaganza! Thursday, 30 March at 5pm in LI220! You want elections? We’ve got elections (summer senate election forms and information available here)! You want a journal launch? We’ve got Plebeian Vol. III, to be unveiled at the event! You want hoodies? We’ll have hoodie orders available for pickup (as well as some extras for sale, too)! You want cake? Oh, just you wait! BE THERE! 30 March, 5-8, be there and be square!

For all you dictators in perpetuity out there, be careful on your way home this Ides of March!


Willem and Sam
On behalf of the CLASSU Senate

Call for Applications: Jackman Humanities Institute Undergraduate Fellowships, 2017-2018

The Jackman Humanities Institute (JHI) hosts annually an intergenerational community of fellows, each pursuing independent research for an academic year while in residence at the JHI on the 10th floor of the Jackman Humanities Building. The fellows are linked by theme, and they participate in a set of common activities, including weekly lunch seminars and other workshops and lectures.

We are seeking a small number of advanced undergraduates who propose to conduct research on a topic in the humanities related to our annual theme, Indelible Violence: Shame, Reconciliation, and the Work of Apology. These will be undergraduates, including those in humanities oriented second-entry programs, who are likely to go on to graduate school in the humanities. The opportunity to converse with and to be mentored by leading scholars and to participate in a cutting-edge interdisciplinary conversation in the humanities should provide major impetus and inspiration for growth.

The undergraduate fellows will be linked to one or more specific faculty fellows who will serve as supervisor(s) for the research project.  Each will complete a 300 or 400 level independent research course for 1.0 FCE (or directed research project at an appropriate weight), the number consistent with the program of their department of concentration.

Each undergraduate fellow will be provided with a carrel space for study on the 10th floor and will be expected to participate in the JHI activities of the fellows.  Each fellow will be provided with a $1,000 scholarship, and if necessary, limited funds for research travel.

Each of the undergraduate fellows will receive one of the following named awards as a component of the fellowship:

  • Dr. Michael Lutsky Undergraduate Award in the Humanities
  • James Fleck Undergraduate Award in the Humanities
  • Zoltan Simo Undergraduate Award in the Humanities
  • Dr. Jan Blumenstein Undergraduate Award in the Humanities
  • Jukka-Pekka Saraste Undergraduate Award in the Humanities
  • Milton Harris Undergraduate Award in the Humanities

Selection Process: 

We invite applications from undergraduate students in humanities programs or humanities-oriented second-entry programs at any of the University of Toronto’s three campuses.

Because these fellows must be teamed up with a Faculty Fellow, the Faculty Fellows will review the applications to be certain that they are able to supervise the projects.  The Faculty Research Fellows for 2017-2018 are:

  • Mark Meyerson, FAS Department of History and Centre for Medieval Studies
  • Courtney Jung, FAS Department of Political Science
  • Lisa Yoneyama, FAS Department of East Asian Studies and Women & Gender Studies Institute
  • Emily Gilbert, FAS Department of Geography & Planning and UC Program in Canadian Studies

Further information about the 2017-2018 Faculty Research Fellows and their research interests is available at:

A selection committee of the Associate Dean, Undergraduate Academic Programs, the Director of the JHI, and representatives from UTM and UTSC will choose the undergraduate fellows.

To Apply:

1) Register on the JHI website at

2) Complete the application form at (click on Apply Now! at the bottom of the page).

3) Upload a copy of your most recent transcript from ROSI/ACORN for all work at the University of Toronto.

4) Upload a two-page description of your proposed research project.

5) Upload one essay from a related course.

6) Provide name(s) of the Faculty Research Fellow(s) with whom you would like to work.

7) Provide the name and email address of an instructor at the University of Toronto for a letter of reference.


This competition is open to full-time students in the humanities and the humanistic social sciences, and to students in second-entry professional programs at undergraduate level who propose a humanities-focused project.  Applicants will be selected on the basis of a record of academic excellence and the promise of future achievement.  A minimum grade point average of 3.7 for third-year course work is required, or comparable grades if applying from a second-entry undergraduate program.  Project topics must connect to the theme for 2017-2018, Indelible Violence: Shame, Reconciliation, and the Work of Apology.

Questions? Please contact JHI Director Professor Robert Gibbs at

Applications open: Monday 13 March 2017

Applications due: Monday 17 April 2017

b2B Dinner (Yes, a free Three-Course Dinner!)

Dear Students,

As a student from the Department of Classics you’ve been invited to attend a dinner with Classics alumni. This event will host a select group of students on Thursday, March 23rd, 2017 at the Faculty Club at 5:30pm as part of the Backpack to Briefcase program (b2B).

This intimate meal brings together Classics alumni, faculty and students and fosters a sense of community and support. It is a great way to engage in conversations with alumni about life after your graduate degree and the infinite possibilities your degree can open up.

To attend you must register:

Alumni Guests:

· Brian Monteiro, Counsel, Aviva
· Tara Cracknell, Co-operative Education Coordinator, George Brown College
· Colin Hennigar, Director, Major Gifts, The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation
· Andrew Rasiulis, Fellow, Canadian Global Affairs Institute

The Department of Classics and the Faculty of Arts & Science are pleased to host the evening at no expense to students.

Please note that spaces are limited and spots will be allotted on a first come-first served basis. If you have questions about the event, you can contact the Backpack to Briefcase program at (

We do hope that you will be able to attend this event; it is promising to be a truly special evening!


Lara Roccatani
Alumni Relations Officer

Faculty of Arts and Science, Office of Advancement
University of Toronto
111-149 College Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5T 1P5

t: 416.946.8702
f: 416.971.2374

Proposed School of Cities


Date: Monday, February 27, 2017
To: Graduate and Undergraduate Students in the Faculty of Arts & Science
From: Joshua Barker, Vice-Dean, Graduate Education
Re: Consultation Process in Arts & Science for proposed School of Cities – Student Town Hall Meetings

As you may have heard, we are embarking on a consultation process for a proposed School of Cities at the University of Toronto. The Faculty of Arts and Science will be the academic and budgetary home of the proposed School. While we expect that there will be broad participation across the University, there are six Divisions with a critical mass of urbanists that are currently primarily engaged in planning for a School of Cities:

  • Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering
  • John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design
  • Faculty of Arts & Science
  • Joseph L. Rotman School of Management
  • University of Toronto Mississauga
  • University of Toronto Scarborough

As Vice-Dean, Graduate Education, I will be leading consultations across the University’s three campuses. As part of the consultation process, we want to hear from all interested students in the Faculty of Arts & Science. We will be holding two town hall meetings: one for graduate students, and one for undergraduate students. Details about these meetings are included below. Additional meetings may be scheduled as needed.

Feedback can also be submitted via email at a&

The consultations are expected to result in a draft proposal for the creation of a new Extra-Departmental Unit (EDU), which will be brought to governance in Fall 2017.

Town Hall for Undergraduates:

10:00-11:00 on Friday, 10 March, Sidney Smith Hall Room 2118

(Then come to CLASSU’s Assembly of the Plebs Conference!)

If you plan to attend one of the town halls, please kindly RSVP to


Congratulations, you’ve just about made it to the home stretch of the year! We at CLASSU have some exciting events coming up this March, as well as some things that are not events but still exciting!

NEW!!! CLASSICS-themed Merchandise!

Does the UofT Bookstore’s lack of CLASSICS clothing bother you? Do you feel ignored, being relegated to the anonymous moniker of ARTS AND SCIENCE? Cast off your feelings of neglect and rejoice, for CLASSU’s got you covered—order an (unofficially) Official Department of Classics hoodie brought to you by the Classics Students’ Union Senate. 

For only $25.00, a lovely navy or grey hoodie can be yours. Click here for details!

Friday 3 March 2017 – 1:00p.m. – LI 009

Come get your trivia on with CLASSU and VicTrivia! Snacks provided, of course.

Oral Reading Club Meeting
Wednesday 8 March 2017 – 2:00-3:00p.m. – LI 009

Do you fancy yourself the latest Demosthenes or Cicero? Have you been doing your breathing exercises? Or neither? Come out to the Lounge anyways! See past performances here.

Assembly of the Plebs Undergraduate Conference
Friday 10 March 2017 – 10:30a.m.-3:30p.m. – LI 220

Join us for our third annual undergraduate conference. Click on the link to see the whole schedule and Facebook event. For back issues of Plebeian, check out our website!

Academic Seminar with Professor Welsh about the Impact of Agriculture on Latin Semantics
Friday 17 March 2017 – 1:00-2:00p.m. – LI 220

Come join CLASSU and our own Professor Welsh as he takes a non-systematic look at the role agricultural language plays in Latin and the way in which agriculture provides the semantic arena and analogy for a lot of Latin that has nothing directly to do with farming. Title and Facebook event forthcoming!

Backpacks 2 Briefcases Dinner (RSVP link to be posted soon)
Thursday 23 March 2017 – 6:00p.m. – Faculty Club Dining Room

Join CLASSU and alumni guests of the BA programme in Classics from the University of Toronto (guests TBA) at a free dinner to learn more about career options in “the real world” with a degree in Classics or Classical Civilizations. Space will be limited, so stay tuned for an RSVP link!

We don’t want this email to drag on forever, so we’ll conclude by saying that there are also two more events coming up—the Social/Elections/Journal Launch and the Third Mentorship Lunch/About the Department of Classics POSts Lunch! Check out our Events Page for more info! Nomination forms for the elections will go live in early March.

That’s all from us (for now), so enjoy the last few moments of reading week,

Sam and Willem
On behalf of the CLASSU Senate