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Editor-in-Chief Applications (2019-20) Now Available!

Do feel as though you possess the necessary editing and leadership skills to take on the role of Editor-in-Chief for Plebeian (Vol.VI)? If so, apply for the 2019-2020 year.

The EIC’s role includes:

• Oversight over the entire publication process of Plebeian
• Setting timelines for editor applications, paper submissions, and drafts
• Hiring Editors and running meetings with the Editing Team
• Reading and ranking of all paper submissions
• Checking over the quality of edits made by individual editing pairs to ensure proper quality
• Settling disputes, and, if necessary appointing replacements
• Design, layout, and formatting of the journal
• Delivery of the final product to the Senate
• Copy editing
• Promoting and advertising the calls for papers and editors in conjunction with the Senate

If you believe this to be a good fit for you, please fill out the application below and submit it to by SATURDAY, JUNE 1ST.

Plebeian EIC Application 2019-20

End of the Semester Events

  1. We are hosting our annual undergraduate conference, Assembly of the Plebs, on the Ides of March (March 15th) from 10AM to 3:30PM in LI220. Authors of papers to be published in Plebiean, our undergraduate journal, will presenting their research on the Classical world. Breakfast and lunch will be served! Click here for the Assembly of the Plebs Facebook event. The full program can be found at
  1. Academic SeminarOur final academic seminar of the year will be held on Thursday, March 14th from 3PM to 5PM in LI009, featuringProfessor Carrie Fulton and graduate students Naomi Neufield and Justin Hamblin-Yule, who will be discussing research in underwater archaeology in Cyprus and the Oracle at Claros! There will be snacks!Click here to join the Facebook event! 
  2. Our end of year social (affectionately known as CLASSULASSU4U) will be March 28th at 6pm in LI220 and include socializing, elections, the launch of our journal Plebiean , and CAKE!

Bursaries for GRK/LAT Summer Courses

Hi All!

The department is currently offering bursaries for summer courses in Greek and Latin. LAT101, LAT102, LAT201, Lat202, GRK101, and GRK102 will be offered this summer and the department is providing some bursaries to assist interested students in taking them! Click here for detailed information, including how to qualify and apply.

“The Department is especially interested in furthering the language study of students from underrepresented groups. In order to assist in enrolling in these courses, we offer bursaries in the range of $ 1,500 (one term) to $ 3,000 (two terms) to cover tuition and more, for deserving students both from the U of T and from other institutions.”

By-elections on January 31st!

We will be holding by-elections on Thursday, January 31st at 4:30pm in LI009 (the CLASSU Lounge, in the basement of the Lillian Massey Building). We are looking to elect one (1) senator to serve from January 31st to March 29th: students in all years are welcome to run! Ideal candidates will be available between 10am and 11am or 11am and 12pm on Mondays during the current semester. However, candidates who are not available then are still qualified to run.

Join us for democracy and free food! Further details, as well as the nomination form, can be found here.

Submit a Paper to Plebeian!

Please submit your papers now to be published in Volume V of Plebeian! The deadline is January 18, 2019 and you can find more information HERE.

Plebeian Deputy Editor-in-Chief Applications Now Open!

Do you have editing experience? An interest in publishing and editing? Then apply now to be the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Plebeian, CLASSU’s student-run journal of undergraduate work. Applications  can be found HERE and are due to by October 9th, 2018. More information about Plebeian and PDFs of all past volumes can be found at the “Plebeian” tab of this website.


Welcome to a new school year! A few updates about upcoming CLASSU events and initiatives!

  1. First year orientation and tour
  2. Elections! Come out for Democracy, food, and general Good Times(tm)! Nomination forms and more information about elections can be found under the elections tab.
  3.  Signups for the CLASSU peer-mentorship program are now open! This program provides support for students in their first year or new to Classics, Classical Civilizations, Latin, or Greek. New students will be paired with an upper-year student with similar interests. Both mentors and mentees can sign up HERE.
  4. Want Classics Merch? Let us know what you would be interested in buying HERE.
  5. Stay tuned for updates to the Latin Metre-Reading
  6. If you have editing experience or are interested in acquiring it, applications for Deputy Editor in Chief and Associate Editors of our journal Plebeian will be available soon!

Editor-in-Chief Applications (2018-19) Now Open!

Do you have ample editing experience, and want to use it to lead the publication of next year’s Plebeian (Vol.V)? If so, apply NOW to be the Editor-in-Chief for 2018-19! The EIC is responsible for:

  • Oversight over the entire publication process of Plebeian
  • Setting timelines for editor applications, paper submissions, and drafts
  • Hiring Editors and running meetings with the Editing Team
  • Reading and ranking of all paper submissions
  • Checking over the quality of edits made by individual editing pairs to ensure proper quality
  • Settling disputes, and, if necessary appointing replacements
  • Design, layout, and formatting of the journal
  • Delivery of the final product to the Senate
  • Copy editing
  • Promoting and advertising the calls for papers and editors in conjunction with the Senate

If you think that you would be a good fit, fill out the application form below and submit it to by TUESDAY, APRIL 17th!

Plebeian EIC Application Form 2018-19

CLASSU Spring Social, Elections, and Journal Launch (CLASSULASSU III)!

The end of the school term is almost here, which means CLASSU’s Spring Social is coming up! There will be free food, plenty of cake, all of your favourite people, democracy, AND a celebration of undergraduate research!

On Thursday, March 29th, from 5-8pm, in LI 220, join CLASSU for our CLASSULASSU III! What does CLASSULASSU stand for, you ask? Come out to find out!

Starting at 5:30, we will be holding elections for our Summer Senate 2018. If you are interested in running to be an executive on the CLASSU Senate, please visit our Elections page for forms and more information.

After the elections, we will be launching Volume IV of Plebeian, CLASSU’s Undergraduate Journal on the Classical World! Come out to grab a free copy of this year’s journal, and celebrate your peers for their excellent research.

And last but not least, be sure to come out if for no other reason than to enjoy all of our free food (catered) and cake (plentiful, we promise)! Celebrate the end of term with CLASSU!

Assembly of the Plebs, Department Party, and More!

CLASSU has a ton of events coming up in the next month weeks, so we have listed them all below. Mark your calendars!

CLASSU Events & Initiatives

This Friday, March 9th, from 10:30-3:30, come out to LI 220 for the (Fourth Annual) Assembly of the Plebs Undergraduate Conference on the Classical World! Come and listen to your peers present their research all day long. A full schedule is available on our website or on the Facebook event. Breakfast and lunch provided. See you all there!

At the Assembly of the Plebs conference, pick up an election form if you are interested in running for CLASSU’s Summer Senate! We are looking for a President, a Vice-President, and three Senators. The Summer Senate’s duty is to compile Anti-Calendar survey responses as well as plan for the upcoming year. This Senate then automatically is part of the 2018-19 full CLASSU Senate. Elections themselves will be at our year-end Social, on Thursday, March 29th. Do consider running and being a part of our award-winning Course Union! Forms will be available afterwards in the CLASSU Lounge (LI 009).

Interested in a Classics/Classical Civilizations major/minor? OR, interested in Graduate School (whether in Classics or other)? On Friday, March 23rd, CLASSU will be holding an info session for each! From 1-2, in LI 009, join us with Professor Eph Lytle (Undergraduate Coordinator) for information on the Classics Department and program enrolment on the whole. From 2-3, in LI 220, join Eph Lytle, Erik Gunderson (Graduate Coordinator), and Sarah Murray (Assistant Professor) for a Grad School Info Session! And finally, from 3-4, in LI 009, join CLASSU as well as some of the department’s Graduate Students for a more informal Grad School Q&A. It will be a fun afternoon that will answer all of your questions! Refreshments will be provided as always.

This is it, folks! On Thursday, March 29th, from 5-8pm in LI 220, join CLASSU for our final event of the year–CLASSULASSU III! Our joint Social, Elections, and Journal Launch! We will be electing our 2018 Summer Senate, launching Plebeian Vol.IV, and celebrating the end of term with plenty of food and, more importantly, CAKE! Get ready for a great time!

Reading Groups

Interested in Critical Theory, but don’t know where to start? Want a chance to read more but also discuss it with peers and those more advanced? Join CLASSU’s Critical Theory Reading Group, led by PhD candidate Chiara Graf. If you are interested in joining, please email for more information and the reading for our next meeting, on Friday, March 16th at 4pm in LI 009.

Departmental Events

Professor Lynn Kozak (McGill) will be bringing their serialized interpretive Homer performances to Toronto! They will be performing at 3pm on Wednesday, March 14 in LI 205 – don’t miss this special opportunity!

Graduating this year? The department will be holding a mini graduation and will give out “diplomas” as made by Professor Bruun at 4pm on April 6th in LI205. Please RSVP to with your name as you would like it to appear on your diploma. Food and drinks will be served.

Interested in the place of Classics in the modern world? UTM is holding a lecture with special guest Prof. Neville Morley (University of Exeter) entitled Classics and the World Today 2: Authority and Non-Conformity in the Ancient World. The lecture will take place at 5:30 on March 15 in IB 245. Limited shuttle bus tickets are available—email CLASSU if you would like to reserve one!


A student at UC Berkeley has recently started a microgrant fund for Classics undergraduate students! Essentially, you can use this fund to request small “grants” to help you out over the course of your study. For more information, visit the website here.