Author Archives: classu

Call for Paper Submissions to Plebeian Volume VII

Paper submissions for Plebeian Volume VII are now open! Visit the Plebeian section of our website for more information. Papers must be submitted to by January 20th, 2021.

Associate and Copy Editor Applications for Plebeian Vol. VII now available!

Are you a Classics undergrad looking to perfect your own writing skills while working collaboratively with other like-minded students? You might be the perfect candidate for an Associate or Copy Editor position on Plebeian Volume VII! Associate Editor positions are open to all, but may be better suited for those who are in their Second Year or higher and have more writing experience. We recommend Copy Editor positions to those who are in their First Year of study and wish to get involved without too much editing responsibility.

There are 7 positions for the Associate Editor role, and the responsibilities include:

  • Reading and ranking of all paper submissions
  • Giving input on editorial decisions presented to the Editing Team
  • Editing two papers with a partnered Editing Team member
  • Meeting with the authors of the two assigned papers at least once
  • Observing deadlines for returning drafts to Submitters

There are 2 positions for the Copy Editor role, and the responsibilities include:

  • Reading and ranking of all paper submissions
  • Giving input on editorial decisions presented to the Editing Team
  • Reviewing papers to ensure that their citations and style meet the standard of Plebeian’s Style Guide
  • Observing deadlines for returning drafts to Submitters

If you think this position is a good fit for you, please fill out the application below and submit it along with a 1500-2500 writing sample and a copy of your Acorn schedule to by November 11th at Midnight EST. For more information check the Plebeian section of our website.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Applications for Plebeian Vol. VII now available!

Do you enjoy Classics, writing, editing, and academic journals in general? You might be the perfect fit for the role of Deputy Editor-in-Chief for Plebeian Volume VII!

The Deputy Editor-in-Chiefs role includes:

• Serving as the second-in-command, backup Chief
• Advise on design, deadlines, and meetings
• Hiring Associate Editors, and assisting with replacements
• Reading and ranking of all paper submissions
• Giving input on editorial decisions presented to the Editing Team
• Editing two papers with a partnered Editing Team member
• Observing deadlines for returning drafts to Submitters
• Meeting with the authors of the two assigned papers at least once

If you think this position is a good fit for you, please fill out the application below and submit it along with a 1500-2500 writing sample to by October 5th at 4:00 pm EST. For more information check the Plebeian section of our website.


Due to technical difficulties, the Fall 2020 election will no longer be taking place on A Google form will be emailed to eligible voters at midnight tonight. Voting will still close at 11:59 pm tomorrow. Any votes on will NOT be counted.

If you believe you meet the requirements and do not receive an email please contact the CRO, Laura Harris, at

Thank you for your understanding.

2020-2021 CLASSU Elections

CLASSU is holding our annual Fall election online on Friday, September 18th, and we are looking for 6 new senators to join our team!!

The nominations process is open now. Forms are linked below. Candidates are no longer required to fulfill the signature requirement. To run for Senate, simply fill out the form with your personal information. Email in this form alongside your ACORN schedule to by 5 p.m. Thursday, September 17th. Candidates that have successfully met this requirement will be contacted with further information about the elections process.

Candidates are encouraged to send a brief one to one and a half minute video speech to introduce themselves and their platform to Please send a transcript of the video. Text speeches will also be accepted and circulated.

If you have questions, please email us at Information regarding election procedures can be found on our Constitution page, in Article VII.

Positions are open to any students taking at least ONE Department of Classics half-course (0.5 FCE) or more or are enrolled in at least one Department Subject POSt, in 2020-21. This includes first years. NOTE: you must be a full-time student (or paying the ASSU fee) in order to run. All elected senators will serve until April 2021.

Once elected Senators will have the opportunity to run for one, but no more than one, of the following portfolio positions:

  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • First-Year Representative
  • Second-Year Representative

More information on the positions can be found in the Constitution.

Please email or for any questions or concerns.


We are excited to have you on our senate!

Editor-in-Chief Applications for Plebeian Vol. VII Now Available!

Do you feel as though you possess the necessary editing and leadership skills to take on the role of Editor-in-Chief for Plebeian (Vol.VII)? If so, apply for the 2020- 2021 year.

The EIC’s role includes:

• Oversight over the entire publication process of Plebeian
• Setting timelines for editor applications, paper submissions, and drafts
• Hiring Editors and running meetings with the Editing Team
• Reading and ranking of all paper submissions
• Checking over the quality of edits made by individual editing pairs to ensure proper quality
• Settling disputes, and, if necessary appointing replacements
• Design, layout, and formatting of the journal
• Delivery of the final product to the Senate
• Copy editing
• Promoting and advertising the calls for papers and editors in conjunction with the Senate

If you believe this to be a good fit for you, please fill out the application below and submit it to by MONDAY MAY 25th, 2020

Plebeian Volume VI Now Available Online!

Sad that you aren’t able to pick up a copy of the coveted Plebeian Volume VI due to quarantine? Good news! The entire journal is now available on the Plebeian section of our website. Head over to check it out from the safety of your own home!

Paper Submissions for Plebeian Volume VI are Now Open!

Paper submissions for Plebeian Volume VI are now open! Send in your papers to and visit the Plebeian section of our website for more information. Papers are due by January 15th, 2020. Plebeian is a great opportunity to be published and get involved as an undergraduate student!

Happy Reading Week!

We hope this reading week gives you a warm, relaxing break from classes! Some things to keep in mind as we head towards the end of the semester:

  1. Plebeian is looking for Associate and Copy Editors for our upcoming edition. To find out more and to apply, head over to the Plebeian section of our website. Applications are open until November 13th!
  2. The lounge will be closed during Reading Week!
  3. The High School Open House is happening on November 15th in LI009 at 2pm. To find out more and to RSVP, contact us at
  4. Our Fall Academic Seminar will be on November 22nd. Check back in after Reading Week for our GRAND REVEAL!

A new year begins!

Welcome and welcome back, Classicists! Here’s what’s coming up this fall for undergraduate Classics students:

First Year Event
Are you a first-year or new to Classics? If you are interested in finding out more about the department and looking to meet other Classics students, come on out to this event! We’ll be having food, games, and general merriment on Friday, September 13th at 1pm in the CLASSU undergraduate lounge, LI009 (basement of Lillian Massey, a POV tour of how to get there is available on our Instagram highlight (@classicsstudentsunion))!

Democracy and free food? Cake? On Thursday, September 19th at 6:30pm in LI009we will be electing six more senators to the senate! CLASSU is looking for a first year representative as well as our all-new second year representative to add to the team. Head over to the Elections tab for details on how to run and a copy of the nomination form!

Graduate School Info Session
Are you considering graduate school? We’re having a panel discussion with professors of Classics at the UofT followed by Honesty Hour with graduate students. The date is changing due to a conflict with an event at UTM. More details soon to come; stay updated through our Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!